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W&H workshop: piezo scaler and range of tips

W&H workshops: piezo scaler tips
Exchange of knowledge with W&H employees

Product development in close collaboration with end users

The systematic further development of W&H piezo scalers and the range of tips, in close consultation with end users, formed the focus of the W&H workshop, held on 18 and 19 March. At the invitation of W&H, four dental hygienists joined Prof. Ralf Rößler, Scientific Director of the praxisDienste Institute for Training at the praxisHochschule University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, at the workshop, which took place at the company headquarters in Bürmoos. During the workshop, the participants were given the opportunity to play an active part in the development of the piezo scaler tip range. Together with W&H employees from the product management and product development departments, the participants worked on determining the optimal scaler tips for prophylaxis, periodontology and implant cleaning.

W&H workshops together with end users
W&H workshops together with end users
Testing W&H piezo scaler tips
Testing W&H piezo scaler tips

This process gave the experts the chance to incorporate their own experiences and preferences at the product development stage and to shape and design the scaler tips in line with their requirements. Next, the tip designs created by the workshop participants were tested on a phantom head and assessed. In this way, the piezo scaler tip range is developed further in collaboration with the end users and tailored perfectly to the relevant fields of application. This kind of close collaboration with users results in the creation of innovative and efficient solutions for the dental industry.
