W&H ProService

W&H ProService innebär korrekt utförd service, utmärkt support och högsta kompetens.
Ett heltäckande nätverk av pålitliga servicepartners som alla arbetar med det gemensamma målet att finna de bästa och snabbaste lösningarna för våra kunder är det som utmärker oss.
Det du själv kan göra för att uppleva W&H´s höga kvalitet för en lång tid framöver är att använda våra ”tips & tricks” och vårt flödesschema över hygienrutinerna.
W&H Hygien & underhåll.
Behöver du skicka ett instrument till oss för service? Här kan du skriva ut en blankett som du bifogar med produkten!
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ProService Tips
- Instrumentunderhåll
- Kontroller på medicinteknisk utrustning
- Underhållskitt
- Rengöring av kirurgiska instrument
Behöver mina instrument underhåll?
Oavsett om det gäller turbiner, kopplingar, hand- eller vinkelstycken så kan det hända att instrumentet går sönder. För de som vill vara på den säkra sidan, och värdesätter en lång livslängd på instrumenten, så vill vi påminna om den rekommenderade årliga servicen. Det finns flera olika tecken på att det är dags för en service eller reparation. Här kommer några exempel på tecken som innebär att du behöver skicka in instrumenten för en översyn:
• Höga temperaturer
• Vibrationer
• Förhöjd ljudnivå
• Lägre kraft eller hastighet
• Borren sitter inte fast lika hårt
• Minskat eller blinkande ljus
• Ojämnheter i kylsprayen
• Vatten- eller luftläckage
Om du upptäcker ett eller flera av ovanstående tecken, kontakta oss på W&H ProService. "W&H service partner". -
Safety technical checks for medical devices
To ensure safety of users, patients and third parties, medical electrical devices must be checked regularly. For this reason, the Medical Devices Act provides safety checks. During the check, it is determined whether a device is functional, electrically safe and in proper condition at the time of inspection. The safety check must be carried out every three years or according to the manufacturer's instructions. For W&H devices such as Implantmed or Piezomed, the safety check is mandatory every three years. National regulations can include exceptions for shorter inspection periods. In Germany, for example, the safety check has to be carried out every two years.
The safety check may only be carried out by qualified companies and institutions. These companies confirm the proper functioning of the devices and thus ensure the safety of patients, users and third parties.
The safety check is subject to all W&H stand-alone devices such as Implantmed, Elcomed, Piezomed, Pyon, Tigon/Tigon+ or Proxeo Ultra.
Any questions? In case of service, the "W&H service partners" are happy to help.
What are maintenance kits? And why are they so smart?
Every product, whether in the private or professional field, is exposed to a certain amount of wear over time. This wear could only be visually disturbing or lead to a real defect. Maintenance kits can help, since they contain exactly the spare parts that need to be replaced – no more and no less!
Maintenance kits are designed either for end users or for service partners and are tailored to a defined product. A popular example is our maintenance kits for W&H sterilizers, which are normally used after 800 or 4,000 sterilization cycles for the recommended service.
• Service after 800 cycles: Do it yourself! The spare parts included in the maintenance kit can be replaced by the end user. The costs can be calculated exactly. The original spare parts contribute to the long service life of the sterilizer.
• Service after 4,000 cycles: The service after 4,000 cycles can only be carried out by an authorised service technician or a specialist workshop. The device must be opened and the parts included in the maintenance kit must be replaced. The costs for this can also be calculated exactly.
Maintenance kits thus offer absolute cost transparency. The advantage over purchasing individual spare parts is obvious. For information on all available maintenance kits, please contact your
"W&H service partner". -
Perfect cleaning – without tools
Surgical interventions are a great challenge. In order to meet the high hygiene requirements, the W&H surgical straight and contra-angle handpieces of the S and WS series can be disassembled quickly and easily. Total simple – without tools. This not only facilitates thorough cleaning, but also extends the service life of your instruments. The surgical straight and contra-angle handpieces can then be reassembled just as quickly and easily.
How to properly disassemble and reassemble our surgical contra-angle handpiece WS-75 is shown in this "video".
In case of service, the "W&H service partners" are happy to help. -