W&H | Dental products for dentistry
Lisa Mini from W&H: Speeds up the dental practice
Extremely fast, small, and flexible: Lisa Mini is the racing car among the W&H sterilizers. Thanks to an optimised cycle profile, the sterilizer can process wrapped loads including straight and contra-angle handpieces in less than 18 minutes. For unwrapped loads, it even takes less than 9 minutes. In addition, the mini version of the popular Lisa sterilizer from W&H is fully equipped and can keep up with all the features and functionalities of larger type B sterilizers.
The healthy patient with pre-existing periodontal disease & peri-implantitis
A 52-year-old patient presents at a prevention session. The patient has no systemic disease and is not taking any medication. He has had various dental treatments and also has two active carious lesions. In addition, the patient has four implants (2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants). He is revealed to have early periodontal disease (stage IV, grade B). His periodontal condition is stable; a probe depth of 5 mm is only evident at the implant in region 36. Gingivitis is also identified.
ISQ as a guide for implant rehabilitations
Long-term success in implant therapy is an aim that all clinicians strive for. Fundamental to this is proper implant placement, surgical site preparation, and good osseointegration after insertion. Although a torque value is a basic prerequisite for primary stability, it alone does not provide complete information for the clinician. Therefore, knowledge of ISQ values is fundamental to assess both primary implant stability (mechanical stability) and secondary implant stability (biological stability or osseointegration).