Relatórios e Estudos
Relatórios, estudos, casos clínicos.

tratamento, paciente, solução
Adjunctive therapies in non-surgical periodontal treatment II
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biosegurança, paciente, tratamento, instrumento
Air-polishing devices in periodontal treatment
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tratamento, paciente, requisito, solução
Do lifestyle changes make for a healthier periodontium?
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paciente, tratamento, limpeza
Is a manual or an electric toothbrush better during orthodontic treatment?
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paciente, tratamento
Orthodontic treatment of periodontitis patients – is such a thing possible ...?
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paciente, solução, dentística
Personalized prevention – the implications of general health factors
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dentística, paciente, biosegurança, aerosol, solução
Protection from aerosols – S1 guideline of the German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillary Medicine
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paciente, dentística, dental, tratamento, limpeza
Artificial intelligence in dental practice
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Can too much coffee lead to tooth loss …?
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paciente, dental, dentística, tratamento, limpeza
Does periodontitis increase the risk of gestational diabetes
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paciente, dentística, dental, tratamento, limpeza
Electric interdental cleaning – a good alternative …?
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Emdogain – can it help even without surgery …?
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paciente, dentística, dental, tratamento, limpeza
Gingivitis treatment = happier and healthier patients!
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paciente, dental, limpeza, dentística
Interdental cleaning – by itself or with an “extra” component?
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, biosegurança
Lessons from the pandemic: continuity in treatment is important!
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Lifelong supportive periodontitis treatment? Absolutely!
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paciente, dentística, dental, tratamento, limpeza
Oral hygiene helps even in difficult situations!
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paciente, dentística, dental, tratamento, limpeza
Peri-implant mucositis – are chemical adjunctive therapies effective?
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tratamento, paciente
Periodontal treatment in patients with diabetes – what do you need to know?
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paciente, dentística, dental, clínica dental, tratamento
Periodontitis & bowel disease – Is there a link?
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paciente, dental, limpeza, dentística, tratamento
Periodontitis doesn’t normally come alone!
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Prognosis for teeth with through-and-through furcations
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Sensitive tooth cervix following periodontal therapy...
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
The long-lasting effects of smoking on our implants …
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
Tooth loss rate in Europe – what is the trend?
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, dentística, tratamento
What is the situation with e-cigarettes and periodontal health?
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, tratamento, limpeza
When does it make sense to splint teeth?
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dental, dentística, paciente, clínica dental, instrumento
Overcoming challenges in processing zirconia and advanced ceramic materials
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paciente, dental, dentística, clínica dental, tratamento
Case presentation: Complex Dental Prosthesis Management
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dental, dentística, clínica dental, tratamento, paciente
Personalised Prophylaxis for 74-Year-Old Implant Patient with Hypertension: Prevention According to the IPC Model
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paciente, dental, clínica dental, dentística, tratamento
The (orally) healthy patient with implants
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dental, dentística, instrumento, tratamento, tecnologia
Innovation and problem-solving with W&H's Synea Power Edition
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dental, dentística, paciente, cirurgia,
Osseodensification versus piezoelectric surgery for implant site preparation
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